447 research outputs found

    Sistem Pemantau Suhu Cooler Box Berbasis Telemetri Dengan Thermoelectric Cooler Sebagai Bakteriostatik Pada Ikan

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    Indonesia has enormous marine resource potential, which can be explored as a prime mover of national economic development, one of which is fisheries resources. The factor that determines the selling value of fish is the freshness of the fish. This study aims to utilize Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) in cooler boxes as a bacteriostatic system for fish that is environmentally friendly and monitored using telemetry based DS18B20 ESP8266 temperature sensor. The temperature data includes the temperature of the cooler box, the temperature of the Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC), and the temperature of the room. The parameters used to test the quality of DS18B20 temperature sensor are accuracy, normality test, homogeneity test, and independent samples t-test. The data of DS18B20 temperature sensor system is processed at nodeM-CU then sent and displayed via the thingspeak website and LCD in real time. Organoleptically, the obser-vation results of fish A placed in a cooler box are categorized as fresh, and the observation results of fish B which are placed at room temperature are categorized as not fresh according to (SNI 2729:2013). The sensor test results obtained in this study showed value of the temperature accuracy of cooler box was 97.8%, the temperature accuracy value of Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) was 98.56%, the room tempera-ture accuracy value was 99.67%, the results of normality test of three temperature sensors are normally distributed, the results of homogeneity test of three temperature sensors are homogeneous, and the results of independent samples t-test are not significantly different, which indicates that three DS18B20 tempera-ture sensors are accurate

    Nitrogen Test Tool in Rice Leaves Based on Android Application

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    This study aims to make an application for measuring nitrogen requirements in rice leaves based on an android application. The method used is the On Touch Motion Event. The onTouch method will be used when a touch will be sent to be displayed, then MotionEvent contains information about the touch made. System testing is carried out to display images using the Open Camera button using a smartphone camera, after that look for the RGB value then convert it to the BWD scale. This research has succeeded in building an application that can determine nitrogen levels in rice leaves through leaf color and provide recommendations for the amount of fertilization according to the desired results. The results of tests that have been carried out on 6 samples of rice leaves with 60 samples of RGB value data produce an accuracy rate of using the application of 78.33% and the remaining 21.66% is an error value. And how to calculate the land area, the results obtained from the need for urea per plant in 1 ha are 120 kg, where the BWD table shows the value of leaf color on a scale of 2-3 and requires a urea measurement of 100 which is estimated to get a yield rate of 6 t / ha

    Naive Bayes Method Monitoring Macro Nutrition and Soil Moisture Using Naive Bayes Method based on Internet of Things

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    The different land quality causes farmers not to know the exact quality of their agricultural land. Improper processing of agricultural land can result in a decrease in the quality of a land. The content of soil macronutrients consists of nitrogen (N), phospor (P), and potassium (K), these contents that usually affect plant growth. The development of an optical transducer for which is used to measure the wavelength of an object in everyday life can use led sensors as a light source and photo diodes as light detection using the TCRT5000 sensor as an infrared wave transmitter module. The use of the internet of things at this time is very useful to facilitate monitoring. The use of naïve bayes to determine the resulting probability. the soil moisture content obtained averaged 20.63% and nitrogen content values with an average of 590, Phospor 513 and Potassium 670. The sending of data to ThingSpeak can be determined as desired. It is hoped that this research can be developed by refining the use of sensors and methods used to make it easier to apply in life

    Protection and Monitoring System for LPG Leaks and Fires in Arduino-Based Rooms

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    This research is a development of previous research in overcoming of LPG gas leaks that cause fires. The system is designed using the main sensor MQ-6 and DHT22 sensors which will detect the gas concentration and temperature in the room, the protection system is equipped with an exhaust as a room freshener and a buzzer as a direct warning alarm and a water pump to extinguish a fire. And all of data will be displayed on the application Blynk and will send a notification on email users by using a Wi-Fi network. This system has succeeded in detecting the concentration of LPG gas with a sensor detection distance of 1 cm to 7 cm getting an average time of 1.6 seconds and percentage of error comparison 2.52%. In normal temperature detection, the percentage error is 1.14% and normal humidity is 2.98%, As for detection of rising temperature by using of wax media, the percentage error is 1.84% and humidity 1.87%. From these tests and getting results with a small percentage value this system can already be used and runs as well

    Chili Plants Soil Fertility Monitoring System Based on Internet of Things (IoT)

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    Soil fertility is one of the main factors in cultivating chili peppers. Variables that need to be considered to support chili growth include soil temperature and pH. This study aims to monitor soil fertility using the DS18B20 temperature sensor and an Internet of Things (IoT)-based soil pH sensor combined with the Geographical Information System (GIS) algorithm. Ituses parameters of temperature values and soil pH values with geographic readings via GIS. The DS18B20 temperature sensor values and ground pH sensor are processed on the ESP8266 NodeMCU then displayed on a 20x4 LCD and sent to the ThingSpeak website in real time. Soil fertility testing is carried out in the morning and evening by comparing the measurement results of the DS18B20 temperature sensor and soil pH sensor with a standard tool, namely the 4in1Soil Survey Instrument. The results of soil fertility testing using the DS18B20 temperature sensor and soil pH sensor conducted in the morning obtained a temperature accuracy of 95.36% and a pH accuracy of 95.96%. Meanwhile, the results carried out in the afternoon obtained a temperature accuracy of 94.36% and a pH accuracy of 89.96%. The implementation of GIS in this study succeeded in mapping the fertility of good and bad soils

    Design of Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna

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    Using cable as power transmission medium cause problem in flexibility and aesthetics. Wireless power transmission for charging handphone releasednowadays still using antenna with radiation pattern focus in one direction, that is just toward the top, and if the antenna was shifted then power transmitted will be lose. The purpose of this research is to produce wireless power charger system used for charging handphone power using resonator based on omnidirectional antenna and test the performance. The device in this research was designed in two main part, that is transmitter and receiver. In transmission section, there is power supply used for supplying power to oscillator to generate oscillating signal in the form of electrical power to be transmitted to receiver via antenna in the form magnetic field. In receiver section, receiver antenna received the power transmitted that is still in the reach of magnetic field generated by transmitter. The power that is still in the form of oscillating signal, then stabilized for the purpose of handphone power using rectifier and voltage regulator. Design has been made successfully to the form of handphone battery power wireless chargerusing omdirectional antenna which consist of two main part, that is transmitter and receiver. The transmitted power is 3.058 watt with frequency 714 KHz, and receiver received the power and then stabilized the signal to produce output power 58.706 miliwatt. This device can transmit power in all directions horizontally (angle 360°). This device also tested with some kind of obstacle, with the result almost all obstacle still could transmit the power except metal

    Peer Review_Penerapan Teknik SURF pada Forensik Citra untuk Analisa Rekayasa Foto Digital

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    Perkembangan teknologi citra digital yang semakin maju membuat mudahnya merekayasa suatu citra. Perubahan pada citra membuat informasi yang disampaikan menjadi berubah dan rawan dimanfaatkan menjadi aksi kejahatan digital. Salah satu cara menyelesaikan kasus kejahatan digital ini menggunakan forensik citra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode teknik pendeteksian rekayasa foto digital Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF). Tahapan pertama melakukan mengakuisisi data kemudian melakukan proses ekstraksi dengan hasil akuisisi tersebut. Hasil yang sudah didapat dianalisis menggunakan algoritma SURF, algoritma ini mendeteksi adanya manipulasi pada foto dengan tidak adanya keypoint pada beberapa objek yang tidak terhubung. Rekayasa foto digital dapat dipastikan menggunakan perbandingkan kualitas citra pada setiap foto dengan perhitungan MSE, RMSE dan PSNR. Hasil perbandingan nilai kualitas didapat perbedaan antara nilai kualitas pada foto asli dan foto manipulasi, hal tersebut dapat membuktikan bahwa foto tersebut sudah dimanipulasi

    Peer Review_Multi sensor application-based for measuring the quality of human urine on first-void urine

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    Urine can be used to diagnose diabetes in a non-invasively manner. Examination of blood sugar levels as an indicator of diabetics is currently carried out using invasive methods. However, most people are not comfortable with the invasive methods used. Early diagnosis of diabetics using non-invasive methods is very important to continue to be developed, including by checking the quality of the urine. This study aims to create a quality urine detection based on urine pH, turbidity, and ammonia concentration by using multi-sensor: pH4502C to measure pH level, SEN0189 to measure urine turbidity, and MQ137 to measure ammonia concentration. Urine samples of 15 subjects were collected early in the morning before doing any activities. For the experiment, all sensors can be read analog signals which are received by an Arduino Nano as a micro-controller and converted into digital values in the form of pH scale, Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), and parts per million (ppm). These values are displayed on the LCD display. Theexperiments showed that the measured sensor using the system was compared with the calculated sensor from a manual calculation using an equation. These comparisons were used to know the error percentage. The average value of urine measurement from 15 subjects obtained pH urine of 5.62, turbidity urine of 0.59 NTU, and ammonia urine of 0.66 ppm. The accuracy percentages of pH sensor, ammonia sensor, and turbidity sensor are 97.69%, 98.32%, and 97.09%. All sensors were proved capable to measure the quality of human urine. The results of this study became the basis for the initial diagnosis of diabetes from the quality of the urine using non invasive method

    Peer Review_Human Emotion Recognition Based on EEG Signal Using Fast Fourier Transform and K-Nearest Neighbor

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    Human emotional states can transform naturally and are recognizable through facial expressions, voices, or body movements, influenced by received stimuli. However, the articulation of emotions is not practicable by every individual, even when feelings of joy, sadness, or otherwise are experienced. Biomedically, emotions affect brain wave activities, as the continuously functioning brain cells communicate through electrical pulsations. Therefore, an electroencephalogram (EEG) is used to capture input from brain signals, study impulses, and determine the human mood. The examination generally included observing a person's frame of mind in response to a given stimulus where the immediate results were inconclusive. In this study, the associated classifications were normal, focused, sad, and shocked. The raw brainwave data from 50 subjects were recorded by employing a singlechannel EEG called the Neurosky Mindwave. Meanwhile, the assessments were performed while the candidates’ minds were stimulated by listening to music, watching videos, or reading books. The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method was utilized for feature extractions, along with the K-nearest neighbours (K-NN) for classifying brain impulses. The parameter k had a value of 15, and the average classification accuracy was 83.33%, while the highest accuracy for the focused emotional state was 93.33%. The Neurosky Mindwave in conjunction with the FFT and KNN techniques is potential analytical solutions to facilitate the enhanced identification of human emotional condition

    Similarity_Compression Analysis Using Coiflets, Haar Wavelet, and SVD Methods

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    The image problem lies in the amount of storage space required, to save memory as little as possible image compression is required. The image compression technique is a technique used to represent an image by reducing the quality of the original image but still retaining the information inside. This study compares the best compression method between Coiflets, Haar wavelets, and SVD with JPG image material. The comparison process has done by calculating the compression ratio (CR), Space Saving (SS), Mean Square Error (MSE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR). The results obtained prove that the SVD method has the highest compression ratio of 3.25 while in the case of Space Saving (SS) the Coiflets method gives the best performance with a value of 73. Measurement in terms of MSE and RMSE is the best for the Coiflets method because it has an average value. -The smallest average among all methods is 0.02395 and 0.111383. provides the best performance in maintaining compression quality. The best PSNR based image quality assessment is the Coiflets method with the highest PSNR average of 63.02 dB. Overall, the Coiflets, Haar wavelet, and SVD compression methods used for JPG images can reduce file size and preserve image information and quality